Summer Whispers


In the hush of a summer night, so serene,

When the sky awakens with a velvety sheen,

I find myself entranced by the ethereal sight,

A nocturnal symphony of stars shining bright.

The moon, a pearl, hangs gracefully above,

Casting its glow, a celestial love,

Silver beams dance upon the tranquil sea,

As if the night itself is whispering to me.

The air, a balmy caress, softly it sighs,

Carrying scents of blossoms, a sweet surprise,

Jasmine and lavender perfume the breeze,

Filling my senses with tranquil ease.

Fireflies twinkle, like tiny lanterns they glow,

Their delicate flickers, a magical show,

They weave through the trees, enchanting the night,

Guiding my steps through the velvety light.

Beneath a canopy of darkness, the world unfolds,

A tapestry of secrets and stories untold,

Crickets serenade with their rhythmic song,

Nature's lullaby, gentle and strong.

In the distance, laughter mingles with cheer,

Bonfires flicker, their warmth drawing near,

Friends and loved ones gather, their spirits alight,

Sharing tales and dreams, under the starry night.

As the hours pass by, time seems to suspend,

A fleeting moment, a blissful blend,

I soak in the magic, the summer night's embrace,

A symphony of moments, I long to forever trace.

Oh, summer night, a fleeting treasure you are,

A reminder of life's beauty, both near and far,

In your embrace, I find solace and delight,

A sanctuary of dreams, where worries take flight.

So let me bask in your tender embrace,

As the night sky unveils its celestial grace,

For in these summer nights, my heart takes flight,

And I cherish each moment, till the first morning light.


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